A journey through George W. Bush’s home country: Peter Granser photographs billboards featuring the slogans of conservative America.
The arrow indicates the direction—it unmistakably points to the right: in the middle of a prairie-like, outdoor setting on a billboard with large letters that spell out “Signs.” It is an image within an image of symbolic content, for Peter Granser has given his latest series of works, which were done in Texas in 2006–07, the title Signs. After Sun City and Coney Island, Signs tracks down points of reference that can be grasped visually as a means to reveal America’s current state of mind. On his quest for suitable signs and symbols, the photographer traveled more than nineteen thousand kilometers throughout Texas, working from a stance of distant observation and skepticism as he captured images of emptiness and stagnation in George W. Bush’s home country.
See a video of the book: http://vimeo.com/21615532